“RVWRMP is a Special Project with a Special Relation with Communities.” -Memories from Sushil Subedi
Updated: Feb 3, 2022

Mr. Sushil Subedi has been associated with RVWRMP for 12 years since he started as the Water Resources Advisor of Dailekh district. During the second phase he also worked as a Planning and Monitoring Specialist and later, in the third phase in the position as Sanitation and Hygiene Specialist till December 2018. This farewell interview was conducted with Sushil to look back upon his time with the project.
Q1: What are you proud of having achieved with RVWRMP over the years?
I look back with satisfaction to my role in the coordination and advising of regional and provincial stakeholders in ODF campaigns. It is rewarding to see the Province, Municipalities and communities and districts are moving towards total sanitation. We have developed and introduced an innovative Sanitation & Hygiene self-monitoring tool initiated in Household and Schools. This has contributed to raising awareness on hygiene infrastructure installation and behaviour changes communication. Lately we introduced mobile application (KOBO tool) for real time monitoring of the household sanitation status.
“It is rewarding to see that Province, Municipalities and communities are moving towards total sanitation”
I am also proud of my role in linking the WASH User Committees with cooperatives for better sustainability and services such for sanitation products and financial linkages for other development initiatives in the community. The RVWRMP is a special project with a special relation in the communities. Over time with the team, we have always maintained the honesty in professional life and friendly behaviour with project team and stakeholders.
Q2: What are the biggest changes you have observed in the life of people in Sudurpaschim and Karnali Provinces?
“Rural livelihood and food habits have changed in the project area”
I have seen big changes related to our project inventions in Far-West. Sanitation and hygiene behaviour of the people have substantially changed: all local level of project working districts are declared ODF and have improved sanitation and hygiene behaviour. Rural livelihood and food habits have changed in the project area. People are adopting the new livelihood practices in livestock and agriculture with seasonal vegetables becoming part of menus of the rural people.
“Women are gradually coming to the front and raising their issues…”
Female participation in project activities is encouraging. Women are gradually coming to the front and raising their issues in mass, planning and participate in benefit sharing. People are now openly discussing on MHM issues. WASH sector is now becoming a priority sector of the Rural Municipalities and local groups, who take lead roles and increasing ownership.
Q3: What is your message to the people that continue working to improve WASH?
“The RM and water users will benefit from further developing easy and mobile monitoring systems for WASH”
Schools are the key change agents on sanitation and behaviour change. Children, Gender and disabled friendly infrastructure support is still needed. There is also still work to do in capacity building of School Management Committee and PTA, child clubs on sanitation and hygiene behaviour and mobilization in S-WASH and community WASH status monitoring. Very important will be continued coordination and harmonization among WASH stakeholders active in Rural Municipalities, district and provinces for learning, joint policy development, planning and implementation. The RM’s and water users will benefit from further developing easy and mobile monitoring systems for WASH. The project staff has a lot to share in WASH conferences and workshops for WASH for learning and dissemination of best practice at Provincial and National level.
Q4: What will you miss most from the time with RVWRMP?
Fresh air and clean environment and superior organic local products like honey, garlic, ginger, and vegetables for a good price. But most of all the RVWRMP team and its way of working. The project is very unique in giving professionals and active community members the opportunity to implement their vision.