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Articles Published in Society of Engineers for Rural Development, Nepal (SERDEN)

SERDEN 2018. Haapala, J. & Shah R.
Installation of Improved Cooking Stoves significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions: Case RVWRMP

SERDEN 2018. Yadav, D.K.
Cooperatives became a mileage of UCs in sustainable operation of water services.

SERDEN 2018. Tirwa, R.
Fighting the discriminating chaupadi practice with music.

SERDEN 2018. Bhatta, M.
Developing Women as Decision-Makers (In Nepali)

SERDEN 2018. Shrestha, N. & Joshi, K.
Initiating Water Quality Ensuring Mechanism of RVWRMP, Bajhang

SERDEN 2018. Joshi K.
Nothing is impossible if done, a success story on total sanitation, Bajhang.

SERDEN 2018. Subedi, S.
On the new Labour Act in Nepal. (In Nepali)

SERDEN 2016, Parikshit Shrestha:

Coping with Climate Uncertainty in Rural Water Supply Systems: RVWRMP Experiences

SERDEN 2016, Roshan Shah:            Inclusive and Gender-Balanced Community Participation as an Essential Element for the Successful Implementation of Micro-hydro Power Projects

SERDEN 2016, Sushil Subedi, Pallab Nepal:

Water Use Master Plan: A Gateway to Integrated Water Resource Management in Small-scale Watershed Area

SERDEN 2015, Deo Krishna Yadav:

A Case Study: Contribution of Cooperative to

Sustain Water Services Schemes

SERDEN 2014, Parikshit Shrestha:

Structural Disinfection through Shock Chlorination in Rural Water Supply Schemes for Safe Water

SERDEN 2013, Raju Shrestha:

RVWRMP is Fulfilling the Multiple Thirst of Rural People

Reseach Publications and Reports

Internal Studies and Surveys

Pamela White, Sunita Sharma, Sunil Kumar Das. 2013. Culture Clash: Menstruation taboos and ODF in Nepal

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This website was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union or the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.

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